Despite a 2005 felony conviction for sexual assaulting a minor, a registered sex offender is currently a visiting scholar in Stanford’s Economics department. Full Article
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So what? College students aren’t children, despite their immaturity. This guy is no threat to them.
Everybody loves to say the Us loves second chances, but in reality, no matter how much you push yourself to be a better person, the government and public will hound you until the day you die. Especially ex sex offenders………….
This is also LGBTQ discrimination !
Click on Dr. Mitman’s resume. He is very accomplished.
The student newspaper should interview him about the subject of his research.
Yea, it would be nice if there were more comments against the disclosure of information not helpful to the public or him. If the public cared they would have looked him up and stayed away from his location. I wonder how many different emails have posted on here. I bet it’s less than 1% of the 100,000 registered offenders in ca.
ACSOL highly encourages individuals to make comments on the original article for which there is a link above. We need to let this prestigious university know that articles such as this have no value and instead continue to punish someone who has already paid his debt to society. In fact, this article is prima facie evidence of bullying someone and has the unintended consequence of denying society the skills and talent he has to offer as an economist.
Case in point: I already knew I was going to roll my eyes before I even started reading the first paragraph of this blabbermouth “Oooo, look what he did!!” article….
That aside, what I really want to ask is this: do you think we would have enough to file a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Mr. Mitman? Or, do I sound silly and out of the question?
What a shame these douche bags, I mean, complete, utter National Enquirer-level scum of the earth douche bag wanna-be journalists chose to publish such an article. If that’s the sordid BS gossip they want to specialize in, they’d have a rather deep well of material by running background checks on every member of the staff, faculty and student body. Their pages will be filled with scandal of every kind – which professors were convicted or faced charges of child/wife/animal abuse, tax evasion, manslaughter, theft, robbery, homicide, and, most importantly, S E X offenses!
How many “monsters” live among them right in their own department? Let’s find out! Oh, I’m salivating!
I made my comment condemning the article and enjoyed reading the other contributions from you folks, as well.
Wait just a minute. I didn’t see this before: is Dr. Mitman a non-USA international professor visiting Stanford??
Imagine being a shy guest at a house, having no familiarity with the hosts’ culture, religious beliefs, social expectations, etc.; and the first thing you hear from people at that house is gossip against you, because of what they read about you…. Can one only feel the uncertainty and possible deep embarassment Dr. Mitman might have undeservingly experienced when coming onto a USA higher-learning campus?
Idiotically treat our own U.S. registrants like dung, how typical, but now a foreign sex-ex-convict? How dare these U. S. news reporters!
Pretty bold putting their names and fotos at the bottom of this tabloid-swill hit piece. If I was Mitman and harm came to me or my family as a result of this article their lives would become filled with regret.